How to find a Profitable Niche in Hindi / ब्लॉग के लिए नीचे कैसे चुने


How to find a Profitable Niche in Hindi / ब्लॉग के लिए नीचे कैसे चुने

In this article we will discuss about How to find a Profitable Niche in Hindi / ब्लॉग के लिए नीचे कैसे चुने 

For a new Blogger, or Affiliate Marketer picking a niche can be the most intimidating part of the entire business model building process. Get this one step wrong, and you'll be setting yourself up for a disaster where you don't earn money, you don't enjoy the work, and you waste an incredible amount of time putting effort into something that won't pay off. This is foundation stone of Blogging or Affiliate Marketing so choose this step wisely. Mostly people come in this field to earn money vastly. Very few of them follow their passion.

So it's vital that you understand the correct elements of picking a niche that pairs passion and profits. There are very few marketers who come into this business without the goal of pursuing their passion.

There are 4 steps to picking a profitable niche that you're going to learn. It requires some research, but do have fun with this! Don't do it all in one sitting - let your mind take time to savor the possibilities and engulf you in daydreaming about where all you might take these options.

इस लेख में हम इस बारे में चर्चा करेंगे कि कैसे एक लाभदायक Niche खोजने के लिए। एक नए ब्लॉगर, या संबद्ध मार्केटर के लिए एक Niche चुनना पूरे बिजनेस बिल्डिंग बिल्डिंग प्रक्रिया का सबसे डराने वाला हिस्सा हो सकता है। इस एक कदम को गलत करें, और आप अपने आप को एक ऐसी आपदा के लिए तैयार कर लेंगे जहाँ आप पैसे नहीं कमाते हैं, आप काम का आनंद नहीं लेते हैं, और आप एक अविश्वसनीय राशि बर्बाद करते हैं जो कुछ भुगतान नहीं करेगा। बंद। यह Blogging या Affiliate Marketing का आधारशिला है इसलिए इस चरण को बुद्धिमानी से चुनें। ज्यादातर लोग इस क्षेत्र में बड़े पैमाने पर पैसा कमाने के लिए आते हैं। उनमें से बहुत कम लोग उनके जुनून का अनुसरण करते हैं।

#1 - Start with a Simple Brain Dump (How to find a Profitable Niche in Hindi / ब्लॉग के लिए नीचे कैसे चुने )

Find the thing you like what you are good in. Here i am not saying about expertise. The best way to get started is to just do a quick and easy brainstorming session. Now is not the time to sort through and analyze your niches - just jot them down randomly - we'll weed out the ones that aren't a good fit shortly.

में आपको सलाह दूंगा सबसे पहले आप एक लिस्ट तैयार करें की आपकी पसंद क्या क्या है ये तरीका आपके दिमाग को झकझोर देने वाला है ये कोई एक आधे घंटे का काम नहीं है है आपको सोचना होगा कुछ दिनों तक क्यूंकि आप अपनी पसंद के बारे में काम करने पर थकेंगे नहीं और आपको बोरियत नहीं आएगी आप खली समय में क्या करते है ये भी आपको क निचे खोजने में मदद करेगा

Start by looking at niches you already know you like. For instance, you might like:

  • Playing video games
  • Listening Music
  • Recipe
  • Finding Lyrics of Songs
  • Sher o Shayari
  • Movies Gossip
  • Body Building
  • Gardening
  • Playing golf
  • Making your own jewelry
  • Cooking.
  • Playing guitar... etc.

All of those are potential niches based on what you know you already enjoy doing. Forget about whether or not you're an expert just jot down current passions.

Next, consider what you've always wanted to learn but don't know. For example:
अगर आप फ्री है तो क्या सीखना चाहते क्या करने चाहते कुछ ऐसा जो आप करना चाहते है

  • You've always wanted to learn better photography
  • You've always wanted to learn better cooking
  • You've always wished you knew how to find Better shopping coupan
  • You find yourself drawn to the idea of living a sustainable lifestyle

All of those "I wish I knew" topics are potential niche markets for you.

Sometimes, you can build a profitable niche based off of experiences you've had in life, such as:

  • Surviving a troubled relationship
  • Surviving from mental trauma
  • Enduring a major health crisis
  • Flipping a real estate property for a profit

Or, maybe you know someone else who is going through something - it doesn't have to be directly related to you. For example,

  • You have a good friend who can't figure out how to meet the right woman
  • A sibling of yours suffers from panic and anxiety attacks
  • find the things which knowledge are in demand

There are niche markets all around you. Once you start training yourself to look for them, you start to see a world full of possibilities.

#2 - Research Thriving Niche Markets (How to find a Profitable Niche in Hindi / ब्लॉग के लिए नीचे कैसे चुने )

Reading a newspaper and Journal can help you in finding a profitable niche. Another way you can come up with profitable niche markets is to see what's being talked about by the media and bought in the marketplaces. This is easy because the research is basically completed, just waiting for you to discover it.

निचे के लिए सबसे बेहतर है कुछ पढ़ो आप अगर अख़बार पढ़ते है तो आपको नए नए आईडिया मिलते रहनेगे अगर आप कोई भी मैगज़ीने पढ़ते है तो ज्यादातर वो नीचे लिखे कुछ चीजों पर ही आधारित होती है

Go buy a lifestyle magazine and you will find these kind of article.

  • Bitter Relationship
  • Food for Alzheimer's prevention
  • Inflammation and weight gain
  • How to stop Diabetes
  • How to Cure Allergies
  • High blood pressure
  • End cravings while dieting
  • Anti-aging tea
  • Stress relief
  • Body makeovers
  • Success tips

Those are a lot of niches that yes, are very narrow in some ways - such as food for Alzheimer's - but it's a sign that people are into the memory niche, and you can be, too.

These are following niche you can find in advertisement in internet today.

  • Fat loss
  • Woodworking
  • Men's dating
  • Make money online
  • Potty training
  • Numerology is a great place to research both tangible and digital niche markets. You can go to and look through each category to see what's selling.

दूसरी निचे खोजने में आपकी मदद कर सकता है अमेज़न । अमेज़न पर बेस्टसेलर्स पर जाये और आपको मिल जाएंगे आइडियाज की आप किस चीज के बारे में लिख सकते है

You can also look at hot new releases, top rated, movers and shakers and most wished for. These lists are updated hourly, so they're as current as you can get, which will serve you well.

Click on a category and you can drill down further. Click on Books, for example and you can look in self-help. You can see that people want to know about:

  • Being an introvert
  • Marriage help
  • Success tips
  • Nutrition
  • Spirituality

After you do a quick brainstorm and some fundamental research, you might have a very healthy, long list or a short one of about 5 niche markets you could possibly get into.

#3 - Weed Out the Wrong Niches (How to find a Profitable Niche in Hindi / ब्लॉग के लिए नीचे कैसे चुने )

एक अच्छा Niche उठा कुछ है जो आप 10 मिनट में एक फ्लैश में नहीं करते हैं। यह एक प्रक्रिया है जिसे आप समय देते हैं यदि आप अत्यधिक लाभदायक व्यवसाय बनाने के बारे में गंभीर हैं क्योंकि यह आपके द्वारा समर्पण की आवश्यकता है।

Let's look at some reasons who you would want to weed out a niche. Go through each niche idea you have and see if any of these reasons exist.

You can't commit to writing, talking and leading the niche day after day. Many newbies hear instructions about keyword volume and price points of available products to promote, so they pick a random niche they personally have zero interest in.

एक ध्यान रखें निचे वही चुने जिनपे आप काफी देर तक लिख सकते है ऐसा न हो की दो दिन बाद आपको सोचना पड़ जाए अब क्या लिखू । निचे सिलेक्शन में आपको वक़्त इसलिए लगता है क्यूंकि ये आपकी बिल्डिंग की नीव है तो नीव मजबूत होनी चाहिए

Imagine you're a man who loves golfing, but you pick the stock market niche because some guru pointed out something about keyword volume and product availability. It happens - and the poor golf lover not only doesn't know about stock marketing, but he can't imagine writing about it every day. This is a recipe for failure.

Another reason is that there's not enough monetization opportunity. You want to investigate this. Ideally, you'll pick a niche that provides both tangible and digital items you can promote (or create).

Examples of this are:

  • Weight loss - not only can you promote diet and exercise digital plans, but also food and weight scales, workout equipment, supplements and more.
  • Stress relief - not only can you promote digital eBooks on how to combat stress, but you can sell products like aromatherapy machines and home spa products.

आपको एक सदाबहार निचे उठाना होगा जैसे की
तनाव से मुक्ति कैसे पाएं
मोटापा कैसे दूर करें
इंग्लिश कैसे सीखें
सिलाई करना कैसे सीखें
कंप्यूटर चलना कैसे सीखें

क्यूंकि ये समस्या हमेशा रहेंगी और आपकी ऑडियंस भी इन पर खोजबीन करती रहेंगी और आप निरंतर कुछ न कुछ लिखते रहेंगे जैसी की तनाव दूर करने के आसान नुस्खे
ये किताबे पढ़े और दूर होगा आपका तनाव
इसके साथ आप कुछ न कुछ सामान भी बेच सकते है जिस से आपको एफिलिएट इनकम भी होती रहेंगी
उम्मीद करता हूँ की आपको ये पसंद आया होगा


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