The word ‘meditation’ has different synonyms in different parts of the world. In India, the word used is ‘Dhyana’, We are surrounded by negative forces like jealousy, hatred, fear, doubt, worry, despair, guilt, resentment, anger, pride hatred and anxiety. These are the dominating forces of the universe. Only medicine to fight this deadly disease is Meditation. Through Meditation we can get everlasting peace, Om Shanti that is what we know the "Divine Peace". To grow in light and to fulfill ourselves in light and purity we need to practice meditation regularly.
What is Meditation?
Meditation is a practice to train your mind by inducing a state of consciousness and realising it through rhythmic breathing pattern. Meditation doesnot mean just sitting quietly for 15 to 20 minutes. It requires concentration. You have to calm and quieten your mind.It requires conscious effort. You have to free yourself from repetitive and unwanted thoughts that distract your attention. As you learn to calm your mind you feel a new creation is dawning inside of is used to access inner wisdom and deep insights from the higher unconscious. It is also a powerful tool for accessing your creativity, your inner wisdom and developing your intuition.
"how to do meditation at home step by step"
1. First find a quiet place away from people and telephone.
2. The best time to practice meditation is in the morning on an empty stomach, but any other time is also fine. Avoid wearing restrictive clothes.
3. A simple act of breathing slowly and attentively may help you achieve some mental calmness which is a good pre-requisite for you to start the practice.'.
4. Have light music at the back ground if you like.
5. Using candles during meditation can improve your concentration.
6. Take shower or atleast wash you face before you meditate.
7. Aromas have been proven to be an effective means of entering a state of relaxation.
8. When you meditate keep your eyes half open.
9. When negative thoughts enter, donot force them out but simply let them pass away.
Breathing Techniques
1. Keep your spine erect while you meditate
2. You can sit on the floor or you can sit comfortably on the chair. I will suggest for floor.
3. Sit very relaxed.
4. Proper breathing is very important so make yourself comfortable.
5. Take a deep breathe and hold for a few seconds and then breathe out.
6. Feel the breath is coming directly from God, so that your breathe can be easily purified.
7. Each time you breathe feel that you are bringing infinite peace and happiness into your body.
8. When you breathe out feel that all the negative thoughts anger, hatted, fear, doubt, resentment, guilt, and anxiety are being expelled.
9. Repeat this morning and evening 20 minutes every day.
10. When bad thought comes to your mind say 'Today I am at peace'. I will not allow bad thoughts to enter into me.
11. When you breathe in hold for 6 seconds and breathe out. If you are on medication please consult your doctor before you start.
The aim of meditation is to free yourself from all worries and unhappiness.All the negative thoughts attack your mind. The heart is much purer than the mind. Love, grace, mercy, peace, tranquility, affection are already there in the heart.
Repetition is simply the focusing of your mind on a single point. It is an essential part of meditation. It clears away the mental cobwebs and stills your active conscious mind. By doing that your concentration will improve.It is almost a waste of time if you want to purify your mind because negative thoughts are always floating on the surface. So concentrate your attention towards your heart. It is already illuminated. It has all the good qualities you desire.So every time when you are not able to control you mind please donot feel unhappy. But focus your attention towards your heart and within few seconds you will be able to meditate without any disturbance.
How to Concentrate
1. Find a quiet place
2. Make a Black dot on the wall
3. Stand 20 inches away from it.
4. Concentrate on the dot.
5. Then Breathe in deep and breath out.
6. Feel that when you are breathing you breathe is actually coming from the dot and that the dot is also breathing in, getting its breathe from you.
7. Feel there are two persons. You and the dot.
8. Do it for 15 to 20 minutes every day before you start to meditate.
9. If you dont want to concentrate on the dot you can concentrate on counting your heart beat mentally.
As you practice doing it for few weeks you can concentrate better. Also when you meditate negative thoughts will slow down and you will have full control over your mind. Meditation isn’t an act, it an altitude. It’s not something you do inside a room with your eyes closed, but it’s something you feel when you are conscious and awake.
In our next article we will discuss about transcendental meditation
Keep reading our Blogs, CMA INDIA GROUP, Sukanya
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