Positive impact of Breast feeding - A Mother Touch


 Breast feeding is the best gift a mother can give her baby ever. It contains all the nutrients for normal growth and development of a baby from the time of birth to the first 6 months of life. Ensuring exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months has a potential to reduce under-5 mortality rate by 13% and it assures maximum benefits of the breastfeeding.

Medical professionals advise nursing mothers to breastfeed their babies at least for six months due to the numerous health benefits their babies will derive from their breast milk. Breastfeeding also gives some health benefits to the mothers. The Breast milk contains all the nutrients a baby needs for normal growth and development, in an optimum proportion and in a form that is easily digested and absorbed.. It contains disease fighting substances that attack germs and foreign bodies in the body of the baby. Besides, breast milk is rich in vitamins. Here are some of the health benefits of breastfeeding:

Breast feeding fights illnesses

Breast milk helps child to fight with disease. The immune system of a baby has not functionally become active. The breast milk contains enough disease fighting substances such as the secretory immunoglobulin A which is contained in huge amount in the first breast milk produced several weeks following delivery. Secretory immunoglobulin A acts as the immune system of the baby and keeps the baby safe from germs and illnesses. Studies have shown that breastfed babies are less vulnerable to illnesses such as meningitis, ear infections, lower respiratory illness, stomach viruses and others as compared to the babies that are not breastfed or adequately breastfed.

Breast feeding enhances cognitive development

The results of numerous studies conducted on the relationship between breastfeeding and cognitive development have proved that children who were breastfed exclusively experienced enhanced cognitive development than other children fed with other foods such as baby formulas. Breast milk contains enough fatty acids which according to medical experts enhance cognitive development.

Breast milk prevent SID and other health conditions

SID is sudden infant death syndrome. It has been discovered through various studies that exclusive or partial breastfeeding helps to reduce SID. It is also believed that breastfeeding reduces the risk of certain cancer and diabetes.

Breast feeding reduces the risk of obesity

In current times obesity is also find in children . Obesity or overweight is now on the increase even among children. Pediatrics division advises nursing mothers to breastfeed their babies as it lowers the risk of obesity in the babies. Studies have been carried out on the relationship between obesity and breastfeeding and it has been discovered that babies who were breastfed are less likely to become obese or overweight in later age.

Benefits of breast feeding to the nursing mother

Some of the benefits you will get from breastfeeding include the following.

Emotional Bound

Breastfeeding create emotional bounding between child and mother which results in this mother start to understand child what child want? What make child happy?

Losing pregnancy weight

During pregnancy ladies get huge weight. Breastfeeding is a veritable means through which you can lose pregnancy weight easily and quickly. This is because it helps you to burn calories quickly. Besides, your breast milk also contains fat. As you are breastfeeding, your baby is taking some of the fats stored in your body. Oxytocin which is a hormone that helps to bring back the uterus to its normal size before pregnancy is released more during breastfeeding.

Breast feeding decrease risk of certain cancers

Based on studies, breast feeding will help you to reduce the risk of certain type of cancer such as ovarian cancer and breast cancer. However, more studies are required in order to explain adequately how breastfeeding help in reducing risk of cancer.

Other Post - Section 80 G, Sukanya Samridhhi Yojna

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